Time : 3 Hours] [Total Marks: 80
PART-A 10*3=30
Instructions: (1) Answer all questions and each question caries THREE marks. (2) Answers should be brief and straight to t the point and shall not exceed five simple sentences.
1. Write about NTFS file system.
2. Write about the function of windows NT work station.
3. Write about any three differences between windows NT and windows 2003 server.
4. Write about any three windows 2003 server components.
5. Write about viewing a user’s effective permissions
6. Write about different disk management tools in windows 2003 server
7. Write about DNS.
8. What is the purpose of filter commands in Linux.
9. Write about the available methods for backing up data in LINUS.
10. Write about browsers available for internet in Linux.
PART-B 5*10=50
Instructions: (1) Answer any five questions and each question caries twelve marks. (2) The Answers should be comprehensive and criteria for valuation is the Content but not the length of the answer.
11. (a) Explain about Windows NT network services. (b) Explain about hardware requirements for the installation of Windows 2003 server.
12. (a) Explain and compare about various versions of Windows 2003 server.
13. Explain how to monitor and managing internet information services (IIS 6.0)
14. Explain about installation and configuration of windows 2003 server.
15. (a) explain how to configure the user environment by using group policy. (b) Explain about how to implement distributed file System(DFS)
16. Explain about LINUX editors.
17. Explain (a) configuring firewall (b) Proxy server in LINUX.
18. Explain about user management in LINUX.
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